asterisk: minimal configuration based on included sample files

This commit is contained in:
mpmc 2023-06-23 16:12:52 +01:00
parent f09865b0e5
commit 0e51e21b5f
8 changed files with 475 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
; /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
; Directories are standard.
astcachedir => /var/cache/asterisk
astetcdir => /etc/asterisk
astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdbdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astkeydir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk
astagidir => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
astspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk
astrundir => /var/run/asterisk
astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
astsbindir => /usr/sbin
; We'll run asterisk under its own user and group.
runuser = asterisk
rungroup = asterisk
; Main language.
defaultlanguage = en_GB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
; /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
; Default console output.
console => notice,warning,error
; full human-readable logging please!
full.log => [plain]notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
; /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
; This is the same as the sample but without the text.
noload =
noload =
noload =
noload =
noload =
noload =
noload =

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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
astcachedir => /var/cache/asterisk
astetcdir => /etc/asterisk
astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdbdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astkeydir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk
astagidir => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
astspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk
astrundir => /var/run/asterisk
astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
astsbindir => /usr/sbin
;verbose = 3
;debug = 3
;trace = 0 ; Set the trace level.
;refdebug = yes ; Enable reference count debug logging.
;alwaysfork = yes ; Same as -F at startup.
;nofork = yes ; Same as -f at startup.
;quiet = yes ; Same as -q at startup.
;timestamp = yes ; Same as -T at startup.
;execincludes = yes ; Support #exec in config files.
;console = yes ; Run as console (same as -c at startup).
;highpriority = yes ; Run realtime priority (same as -p at
; startup).
;initcrypto = yes ; Initialize crypto keys (same as -i at
; startup).
;nocolor = yes ; Disable console colors.
;dontwarn = yes ; Disable some warnings.
;dumpcore = yes ; Dump core on crash (same as -g at startup).
;languageprefix = yes ; Use the new sound prefix path syntax.
;systemname = my_system_name ; Prefix uniqueid with a system name for
; Global uniqueness issues.
;autosystemname = yes ; Automatically set systemname to hostname,
; uses 'localhost' on failure, or systemname if
; set.
;mindtmfduration = 80 ; Set minimum DTMF duration in ms (default 80 ms)
; If we get shorter DTMF messages, these will be
; changed to the minimum duration
;maxcalls = 10 ; Maximum amount of calls allowed.
;maxload = 0.9 ; Asterisk stops accepting new calls if the
; load average exceed this limit.
;maxfiles = 1000 ; Maximum amount of openfiles.
;minmemfree = 1 ; In MBs, Asterisk stops accepting new calls if
; the amount of free memory falls below this
; watermark.
;cache_media_frames = yes ; Cache media frames for performance
; Disable this option to help track down media frame
; mismanagement when using valgrind or MALLOC_DEBUG.
; The cache gets in the way of determining if the
; frame is used after being freed and who freed it.
; NOTE: This option has no effect when Asterisk is
; compiled with the LOW_MEMORY compile time option
; enabled because the cache code does not exist.
; Default yes
;cache_record_files = yes ; Cache recorded sound files to another
; directory during recording.
;record_cache_dir = /tmp ; Specify cache directory (used in conjunction
; with cache_record_files).
;transmit_silence = yes ; Transmit silence while a channel is in a
; waiting state, a recording only state, or
; when DTMF is being generated. Note that the
; silence internally is generated in raw signed
; linear format. This means that it must be
; transcoded into the native format of the
; channel before it can be sent to the device.
; It is for this reason that this is optional,
; as it may result in requiring a temporary
; codec translation path for a channel that may
; not otherwise require one.
;transcode_via_sln = yes ; Build transcode paths via SLINEAR, instead of
; directly.
;runuser = asterisk ; The user to run as.
;rungroup = asterisk ; The group to run as.
;lightbackground = yes ; If your terminal is set for a light-colored
; background.
;forceblackbackground = yes ; Force the background of the terminal to be
; black, in order for terminal colors to show
; up properly.
;defaultlanguage = en ; Default language
documentation_language = en_US ; Set the language you want documentation
; displayed in. Value is in the same format as
; locale names.
;hideconnect = yes ; Hide messages displayed when a remote console
; connects and disconnects.
;lockconfdir = no ; Protect the directory containing the
; configuration files (/etc/asterisk) with a
; lock.
;stdexten = gosub ; How to invoke the extensions.conf stdexten.
; macro - Invoke the stdexten using a macro as
; done by legacy Asterisk versions.
; gosub - Invoke the stdexten using a gosub as
; documented in extensions.conf.sample.
; Default gosub.
;live_dangerously = no ; Enable the execution of 'dangerous' dialplan
; functions and configuration file access from
; external sources (AMI, etc.) These functions
; (such as SHELL) are considered dangerous
; because they can allow privilege escalation.
; Configuration files are considered dangerous
; if they exist outside of the Asterisk
; configuration directory.
; Default no
;entityid=00:11:22:33:44:55 ; Entity ID.
; This is in the form of a MAC address.
; It should be universally unique.
; It must be unique between servers communicating
; with a protocol that uses this value.
; This is currently is used by DUNDi and
; Exchanging Device and Mailbox State
; using protocols: XMPP, Corosync and PJSIP.
;rtp_use_dynamic = yes ; When set to "yes" RTP dynamic payload types
; are assigned dynamically per RTP instance vs.
; allowing Asterisk to globally initialize them
; to pre-designated numbers (defaults to "yes").
;rtp_pt_dynamic = 35 ; Normally the Dynamic RTP Payload Type numbers
; are 96-127, which allow just 32 formats. The
; starting point 35 enables the range 35-63 and
; allows 29 additional formats. When you use
; more than 32 formats in the dynamic range and
; calls are not accepted by a remote
; implementation, please report this and go
; back to value 96.
;hide_messaging_ami_events = no; This option, if enabled, will
; suppress all of the Message/ast_msg_queue channel's
; housekeeping AMI and ARI channel events. This can
; reduce the load on the manager and ARI applications
; when the Digium Phone Module for Asterisk is in use.
; Changing the following lines may compromise your security.
;astctlpermissions = 0660
;astctlowner = root
;astctlgroup = apache
;astctl = asterisk.ctl

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
; Logging Configuration
; In this file, you configure logging to files or to
; the syslog system.
; "logger reload" at the CLI will reload configuration
; of the logging system.
; Customize the display of debug message time stamps
; this example is the ISO 8601 date format (yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS)
; see strftime(3) Linux manual for format specifiers. Note that there is also
; a fractional second parameter which may be used in this field. Use %1q
; for tenths, %2q for hundredths, etc.
;dateformat=%F %T ; ISO 8601 date format
;dateformat=%F %T.%3q ; with milliseconds
; This makes Asterisk write callids to log messages
; (defaults to yes)
;use_callids = no
; This appends the hostname to the name of the log files.
;appendhostname = yes
; This determines whether or not we log queue events to a file
; (defaults to yes).
;queue_log = no
; Determines whether the queue_log always goes to a file, even
; when a realtime backend is present (defaults to no).
;queue_log_to_file = yes
; Set the queue_log filename
; (defaults to queue_log)
;queue_log_name = queue_log
; When using realtime for the queue log, use GMT for the timestamp
; instead of localtime. The default of this option is 'no'.
;queue_log_realtime_use_gmt = yes
; Log rotation strategy:
; none: Do not perform any logrotation at all. You should make
; very sure to set up some external logrotate mechanism
; as the asterisk logs can get very large, very quickly.
; sequential: Rename archived logs in order, such that the newest
; has the highest sequence number [default]. When
; exec_after_rotate is set, ${filename} will specify
; the new archived logfile.
; rotate: Rotate all the old files, such that the oldest has the
; highest sequence number [this is the expected behavior
; for Unix administrators]. When exec_after_rotate is
; set, ${filename} will specify the original root filename.
; timestamp: Rename the logfiles using a timestamp instead of a
; sequence number when "logger rotate" is executed.
; When exec_after_rotate is set, ${filename} will
; specify the new archived logfile.
;rotatestrategy = rotate
; Run a system command after rotating the files. This is mainly
; useful for rotatestrategy=rotate. The example allows the last
; two archive files to remain uncompressed, but after that point,
; they are compressed on disk.
; exec_after_rotate=gzip -9 ${filename}.2
; For each file, specify what to log.
; For console logging, you set options at start of
; Asterisk with -v for verbose and -d for debug
; See 'asterisk -h' for more information.
; Directory for log files is configures in asterisk.conf
; option astlogdir
; All log messages go to a queue serviced by a single thread
; which does all the IO. This setting controls how big that
; queue can get (and therefore how much memory is allocated)
; before new messages are discarded.
; The default is 1000
;logger_queue_limit = 250
; Any custom logging levels you may want to use, which can then
; be sent to logging channels. The maximum number of custom
; levels is 16, but not all of these may be available if modules
; in Asterisk define their own.
;custom_levels = foobar,important,compliance
; Format is:
; logger_name => [formatter]levels
; The name of the logger dictates not only the name of the logging
; channel, but also its type. Valid types are:
; - 'console' - The root console of Asterisk
; - 'syslog' - Linux syslog, with facilities specified afterwards with
; a period delimiter, e.g., 'syslog.local0'
; - 'filename' - The name of the log file to create. This is the default
; for log channels.
; Filenames can either be relative to the standard Asterisk log directory
; (see 'astlogdir' in asterisk.conf), or absolute paths that begin with
; '/'.
; An optional formatter can be specified prior to the log levels sent
; to the log channel. The formatter is defined immediately preceeding the
; levels, and is enclosed in square brackets. Valid formatters are:
; - [default] - The default formatter, this outputs log messages using a
; human readable format.
; - [plain] - The plain formatter, this outputs log messages using a
; human readable format with the addition of function name
; and line number. No color escape codes are ever printed
; nor are verbose messages treated specially.
; - [json] - Log the output in JSON. Note that JSON formatted log entries,
; if specified for a logger type of 'console', will be formatted
; per the 'default' formatter for log messages of type VERBOSE.
; This is due to the remote consoles interpreting verbosity
; outside of the logging subsystem.
; Log levels include the following, and are specified in a comma delineated
; list:
; debug
; trace
; notice
; warning
; error
; verbose(<level>)
; dtmf
; fax
; security
; <customlevel>
; Verbose takes an optional argument, in the form of an integer level. The
; verbose level can be set per logfile. Verbose messages with higher levels
; will not be logged to the file. If the verbose level is not specified, it
; will log verbose messages following the current level of the root console.
; Debug has multiple levels like verbose. However, it is a system wide setting
; and cannot be specified per logfile. You specify the debug level elsewhere
; such as the CLI 'core set debug 3', starting Asterisk with '-ddd', or in
; asterisk.conf 'debug=3'.
; Special level name "*" means all levels, even dynamic levels registered
; by modules after the logger has been initialized (this means that loading
; and unloading modules that create/remove dynamic logger levels will result
; in these levels being included on filenames that have a level name of "*",
; without any need to perform a 'logger reload' or similar operation).
; Note that there is no value in specifying both "*" and specific level names
; for a filename; the "*" level means all levels. The only exception is if
; you need to specify a specific verbose level. e.g, "verbose(3),*".
; We highly recommend that you DO NOT turn on debug mode if you are simply
; running a production system. Debug mode turns on a LOT of extra messages,
; most of which you are unlikely to understand without an understanding of
; the underlying code. Do NOT report debug messages as code issues, unless
; you have a specific issue that you are attempting to debug. They are
; messages for just that -- debugging -- and do not rise to the level of
; something that merit your attention as an Asterisk administrator. Both
; debug and trace messages are also very verbose and can and do fill up
; logfiles quickly. This is another reason not to have debug or trace
; modes on a production system unless you are in the process of debugging
; a specific issue.
;debug.log => error,warning,notice,verbose,debug
;trace.log => trace
;security.log => security
console => notice,warning,error
;console => notice,warning,error,debug
messages.log => notice,warning,error
;full.log => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax
;full-json.log => [json]debug,verbose,notice,warning,error,dtmf,fax
;syslog keyword : This special keyword logs to syslog facility
;syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error
; A log level defined in 'custom_levels' above
;important.log = important

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
; Asterisk configuration file
; Module Loader configuration file
; Any modules that need to be loaded before the Asterisk core has been
; initialized (just after the logger initialization) can be loaded
; using 'preload'. 'preload' forces a module and the modules it
; is known to depend upon to be loaded earlier than they normally get
; loaded.
; NOTE: There is no good reason left to use 'preload' anymore. It was
; historically required to preload realtime driver modules so you could
; map Asterisk core configuration files to Realtime storage.
; This is no longer needed.
;preload =
; If you want Asterisk to fail if a module does not load, then use
; the "require" keyword. Asterisk will exit with a status code of 2
; if a required module does not load.
;require =
; If you want you can combine with preload
; preload-require =
;load =
; Load one of: alsa, or console (portaudio).
; By default, load chan_console only (automatically).
noload =
;noload =
; Do not load res_hep and kin unless you are using HEP monitoring
; <> in your network.
noload =
noload =
noload =
; Do not load chan_sip by default, it may conflict with res_pjsip.
noload =
; Load one of the voicemail modules as they are mutually exclusive.
; By default, load app_voicemail only (automatically).
;noload =
noload =
noload =

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Run this script with "(sudo) bash <filename> <args>".
# Exit on error.
#set -e
# Debug
set -eux
useradd --system --user-group -d /var/lib/asterisk/ -M asterisk
chown root:asterisk -v /var/log/asterisk/ /var/spool/asterisk/ /var/lib/asterisk /etc/asterisk
chown asterisk:asterisk -vR /var/log/asterisk/* /var/spool/asterisk/* /var/lib/asterisk/*
chmod 770 -v /var/log/asterisk/ /var/spool/asterisk/ /var/lib/asterisk /etc/asterisk

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# /etc/systemd/system/asterisk.service
# "Borrowed" from
Description=Asterisk PBX and telephony daemon.
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'core stop now'
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'core reload'
# safe_asterisk emulation
# Prevent duplication of logs with color codes to /var/log/messages